(global bool global_dialog_on false) (global bool global_music_on false) (global long global_delay_music (* 30.00 300.00)) (global long global_delay_music_alt (* 30.00 300.00)) (global bool cinematics_debug false) (global real cortana_dialogue_scale 1.00) (global real keyes_dialogue_scale 1.00) (global real chief_dialogue_scale 1.00) (global real music_01_scale 1.00) (global real music_02_scale 1.00) (global real music_03_scale 1.00) (global real music_04_scale 1.00) (global real music_05_scale 1.00) (global real music_06_scale 1.00) (global bool music_01_base false) (global bool music_02_base false) (global bool music_03_base false) (global bool music_03_alt false) (global bool music_04_base false) (global bool music_05_base false) (global bool music_06_base false) (global bool debug false) (global bool coop false) (global real spawn_scale 1.00) (global short min_combat_spawn 2) (global short min_carrier_spawn 2) (global short min_infection_spawn 6) (global short enc1_4_limiter 0) (global short enc1_5_limiter 0) (global short enc3_2_limiter 0) (global short enc3_4_limiter 0) (global short enc3_5_limiter 0) (global short enc3_8_limiter 0) (global short enc4_2_limiter 0) (global short enc4_4_limiter 0) (global short enc6_1_limiter 0) (global short enc7_5_limiter 0) (global short testing_save 5) (global short testing_fast 5) (global short hud_objectives_display_time 90) (global bool skin_diver false) (global bool bloodthirsty false) (global bool save_now false) (global bool enc3_4_spawn_in_water true) (global short enc7_6_limiter 0) (global short enc6_2_limiter 0) (global short enc6_5_limiter 0) (global short enc5_7_limiter 0) (global short enc5_1_limiter 0) (global short enc4_8_limiter 0) (global short lift_counter 0) (global bool cortana_told_you_to_jump false) (global bool enc1_1_door1 false) (global bool enc1_1_door2 false) (global bool enc1_1_door3 false) (global bool enc1_1_door4 false) (global bool enc1_1_doors true) (global bool cinematic_ran false) (script static unit player0 (begin (unit (list_get (players) 0)))) (script static unit player1 (begin (unit (list_get (players) 1)))) (script static short player_count (begin (list_count (players)))) (script static bool cinematic_skip_start (begin (cinematic_skip_start_internal) (game_save_totally_unsafe) (sleep_until (not (game_saving)) 1) (not (game_reverted)))) (script static void cinematic_skip_stop (begin (cinematic_skip_stop_internal))) (script static void script_dialog_start (begin (sleep_until (not global_dialog_on)) (set global_dialog_on true) (ai_dialogue_triggers false))) (script static void script_dialog_stop (begin (ai_dialogue_triggers true) (sleep 30) (set global_dialog_on false))) (script static void player_effect_impact (begin (player_effect_set_max_translation 0.05 0.05 0.08) (player_effect_set_max_rotation 0.00 0.00 0.00) (player_effect_set_max_rumble 0.40 1.00) (player_effect_start (real_random_range 0.70 0.90) 0.10))) (script static void player_effect_explosion (begin (player_effect_set_max_translation 0.01 0.01 0.03) (player_effect_set_max_rotation 0.50 0.50 1.00) (player_effect_set_max_rumble 0.50 0.40) (player_effect_start (real_random_range 0.70 0.90) 0.10))) (script static void player_effect_rumble (begin (player_effect_set_max_translation 0.01 0.00 0.02) (player_effect_set_max_rotation 0.10 0.10 0.20) (player_effect_set_max_rumble 0.50 0.30) (player_effect_start (real_random_range 0.70 0.90) 0.50))) (script static void player_effect_vibration (begin (player_effect_set_max_translation 0.01 0.01 0.01) (player_effect_set_max_rotation 0.01 0.01 0.05) (player_effect_set_max_rumble 0.20 0.50) (player_effect_start (real_random_range 0.70 0.90) 1.00))) (script static void outro_banshee1 (begin (object_teleport ending_banshee1 outro_banshee1) (recording_play (unit ending_banshee1) outro_banshee1))) (script static void outro_banshee2 (begin (object_teleport ending_banshee2 outro_banshee2) (recording_play (unit ending_banshee2) outro_banshee2))) (script static void outro_banshees (begin (if (> (list_count (players)) 1) (begin outro_banshees outro_banshees) (begin (if (vehicle_test_seat_list ending_banshee1 b-driver (players)) (begin outro_banshees (object_destroy ending_banshee2)) (begin outro_banshees (object_destroy ending_banshee1))))))) (script static void cinematic_outro (begin (fade_out 1.00 1.00 1.00 30) (sleep 30) (camera_control true) (cinematic_start) (ai_place outro_cov) (camera_set outro_1 0) (sleep 15) (fade_in 1.00 1.00 1.00 30) (vehicle_load_magic ending_banshee1 b-driver cinematic_outro) (vehicle_load_magic ending_banshee2 b-driver cinematic_outro) cinematic_outro (sleep 100) (sound_class_set_gain ambient_machinery 0.00 3) (camera_set outro_2 135) (sleep 180) (sound_looping_stop levels\d20\music\d20_06) (sleep 30) (fade_out 0.00 0.00 0.00 60) (sleep 90))) (script static void cutscene_captain (begin (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_foley\d20_captain_foley none 1.00) (wake captain_music) (objects_predict chief) (objects_predict rifle) (objects_predict keyes_flood) (fade_out 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (camera_control true) (cinematic_start) (sleep 15) (switch_bsp 4) (object_teleport cutscene_captain player0_capt_base) (object_teleport cutscene_captain player1_capt_base) (object_create_anew chief_armed) (object_create_anew rifle) (object_create_anew keyes_flood) (object_teleport chief_armed chief_capt_base) (objects_attach chief_armed right hand rifle ) (object_beautify chief true) (object_beautify keyes_flood true) (recording_play chief_armed chief_walk_1) (sleep 30) (camera_set capt_wide_1a 0) (camera_set capt_wide_1b 300) (fade_in 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (sleep 150) (camera_set capt_wide_1c 200) (sleep 100) (camera_set capt_wide_1d 180) (sleep 180) (recording_kill chief_armed) (object_teleport chief_armed chief_capt_look_base) (custom_animation chief_armed cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\d20\d20 d20seekeyes false) (game_skip_ticks 15) (camera_set chief_close_1a 0) (camera_set chief_close_1b 180) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_captflood_030_cortana none 1.00) (print cortana: no human life signs detected, chief. the captain, he's...one of them.) (sleep 180) (camera_set capt_close_1a 0) (camera_set capt_close_1b 200) (sleep 60) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_captflood_050_cortana none 1.00) (print cortana: we can't let the flood get off this ring! you know what he'd expect--) (sleep (camera_time)) (custom_animation chief_armed cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\d20\d20 d20punchface false) (sleep 5) (camera_set punch_1 0) (camera_set punch_2 300) (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_foley\d20_captain_foley2 none 1.00) (sleep 30) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_captflood_060_cortana none 1.00) (print cortana: what he'd want us to do.) (sleep 120) (print rumble) (player_effect_set_max_rotation 0.00 0.75 0.75) (player_effect_set_max_rumble 0.75 0.75) (player_effect_start 1.00 0.00) (player_effect_stop 1.00) (object_set_permutation keyes_flood head punched_head-100) (sleep 30) (object_destroy implants) (object_create implants) (objects_attach chief_armed left hand implants ) (camera_set punch_3 200) (sleep 100) (camera_set punch_4 180) (sleep 80) (effect_new_on_object_marker cinematics\effects\cyborg chip insertion chief_armed left hand) (objects_detach chief implants) (object_destroy implants) (sleep 40) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_captflood_061_cortana none 1.00) (print cortana: it's done. i have the code. we should go.) (sleep (- (camera_time) 15.00)) (fade_out 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (sleep 15) (object_teleport cutscene_captain player0_capt_done) (object_teleport cutscene_captain player1_capt_done) (object_destroy chief_armed) (object_destroy implants) (cinematic_stop) (camera_control false) (fade_in 1.00 1.00 1.00 15))) (script static void cinematic_captain (begin cinematic_captain)) (script static void cutscene_lift (begin (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_music\d20_lift_music none 1.00) (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_foley\d20_lift_foley none 1.00) (objects_predict chief) (objects_predict rifle) (fade_out 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (camera_control true) (cinematic_start) (sleep 15) (switch_bsp 1) (object_teleport cutscene_lift player0_lift_base) (object_teleport cutscene_lift player1_lift_base) (object_destroy chief) (object_destroy rifle) (object_create chief) (object_create rifle) (object_teleport chief chief_lift_base) (objects_attach chief right hand rifle ) (object_beautify chief true) (camera_set lift_1a 0) (camera_set lift_1c 120) (fade_in 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (sleep 60) (camera_set lift_1b 60) (custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\a50\a50 a50energylift false) (sleep 30) (cinematic_screen_effect_start true) (cinematic_screen_effect_set_convolution 3 2 0.00 10.00 1.00) (cinematic_screen_effect_set_filter_desaturation_tint 0.80 0.00 1.00) (cinematic_screen_effect_set_filter 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 true 1.00) (sleep 15) (fade_out 0.80 0.00 1.00 15) (sleep 15) (switch_bsp 2) (object_teleport cutscene_lift player0_afterlift_base) (object_teleport cutscene_lift player1_afterlift_base) (object_destroy chief) (object_destroy rifle) (cinematic_stop) (camera_control false) (cinematic_show_letterbox true) (sleep 60) (fade_in 0.80 0.00 1.00 15) (cinematic_screen_effect_set_convolution 3 2 10.00 0.00 1.00) (cinematic_screen_effect_set_filter_desaturation_tint 0.80 0.00 1.00) (cinematic_screen_effect_set_filter 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 true 1.00) (sleep 30) (cinematic_screen_effect_stop))) (script static void cinematic_lift (begin cinematic_lift)) (script static void cutscene_fall (begin (wake fall_music) (objects_predict chief) (objects_predict rifle) (fade_out 1.00 1.00 1.00 0) (camera_control true) (cinematic_start) (sleep 15) (switch_bsp 1) (object_teleport cutscene_fall player0_fall_base) (object_teleport cutscene_fall player1_fall_base) (object_destroy chief) (object_destroy rifle) (object_create chief) (object_create rifle) (object_teleport chief chief_fall_base) (objects_attach chief right hand rifle ) (object_beautify chief true) (camera_set fall_1a 0) (camera_set fall_1b 240) (fade_in 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (sleep 60) (custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\d20\d20 d20jumpdown false) (sleep 40) (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_foley\d20_fall_foley none 1.00) (sleep 20) (camera_set fall_1c 0) (camera_set fall_1d 30) (sleep 15) (effect_new effects\impact coolant splash splash_base) (sleep 15) (player_effect_set_max_rotation 0.00 0.75 0.75) (player_effect_set_max_rumble 0.75 0.75) (player_effect_start 1.00 0.00) (player_effect_stop 1.00) (fade_out 0.09 0.26 0.21 15) (sleep 15) (object_destroy chief) (object_destroy rifle) (object_teleport cutscene_fall player0_afterfall_base) (object_teleport cutscene_fall player1_afterfall_base) (cinematic_stop) (camera_control false) (fade_in 0.09 0.26 0.21 15))) (script static void cinematic_drop (begin cinematic_drop)) (script static void cutscene_insertion (begin (sound_class_set_gain weapon_fire 0.30 0) (sound_class_set_gain projectile_detonation 0.30 0) (sound_class_set_gain projectile_impact 0.30 0) (sound_class_set_gain unit_footsteps 0.30 0) (sound_class_set_gain unit_dialog 0.00 0) (sound_class_set_gain ambient_nature 0.30 0) (sound_class_set_gain ambient_machinery 0.30 0) (objects_predict chief) (objects_predict rifle) (fade_out 0.00 0.00 0.00 0) (camera_control true) (cinematic_start) (object_teleport cutscene_insertion player0_insert_base) (object_teleport cutscene_insertion player1_insert_base) (unit_suspended cutscene_insertion true) (unit_suspended cutscene_insertion true) (switch_bsp 1) (camera_set fly_1a 0) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1a) (sleep 5) (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_music\d20_insertion_music none 1.00) (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_foley\d20_insertion_foley none 1.00) (sleep 25) (camera_set fly_1b 250) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1b) (fade_in 0.00 0.00 0.00 30) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_insert_010_cortana none 1.00) (sleep 125) (camera_set fly_1c 250) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1c) (sleep 125) (camera_set fly_1d 250) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1d) (sleep 125) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_insert_020_cortana none 1.00) (camera_set fly_1e 250) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1e) (sleep 125) (camera_set fly_1f 250) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1f) (sleep 125) (camera_set fly_1g 250) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1g) (sleep 125) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_insert_030_cortana none 1.00) (camera_set fly_1h 250) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1h) (sleep 125) (camera_set fly_1i 200) (object_pvs_set_camera fly_1i) (sleep 100) (camera_set fly_1j 200) (sleep 100) (object_create_anew chief_teleport_in) (device_set_position chief_teleport_in 1.00) (fade_out 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (sleep 15) (object_destroy pvs_rifle) (object_create pvs_rifle) (object_pvs_set_object pvs_rifle) (switch_bsp 0) (object_create_anew chief_spot) (object_create_anew chief) (object_create_anew rifle) (object_set_scale chief 0.10 0) (object_beautify chief true) (rasterizer_model_ambient_reflection_tint 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00) (objects_attach chief right hand rifle ) (camera_set teleport_1a 0) (camera_set teleport_1b 200) (fade_in 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (sleep 10) (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_foley\d20_insertion_foley2 none 1.00) (sleep 5) (object_teleport chief chief_insert_base) (custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\d20\d20 d20badteleport false) (sleep 30) (object_set_scale chief 1.00 0) (sleep 30) (camera_set teleport_1c 30) (sleep 60) (camera_set teleport_1d 0) (camera_set teleport_1e 120) (sleep 80) (wake oops) (sleep 40) (camera_set teleport_1f 0) (camera_set teleport_1g 120) (sleep (- (unit_get_custom_animation_time chief) 15.00)) (fade_out 1.00 1.00 1.00 15) (sleep 15) (rasterizer_model_ambient_reflection_tint 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00) (object_destroy chief) (object_destroy rifle) (object_destroy pvs_rifle) (object_destroy chief_spot) (object_pvs_clear) (object_teleport cutscene_insertion chief_insert_base) (object_teleport cutscene_insertion player1_start_base) (unit_suspended cutscene_insertion false) (unit_suspended cutscene_insertion false) (camera_control false) (cinematic_stop) (fade_in 1.00 1.00 1.00 30) (sound_class_set_gain weapon_fire 1.00 3) (sound_class_set_gain projectile_detonation 1.00 3) (sound_class_set_gain projectile_impact 1.00 3) (sound_class_set_gain unit_footsteps 1.00 3) (sound_class_set_gain unit_dialog 1.00 3) (sound_class_set_gain ambient_nature 1.00 3) (sound_class_set_gain ambient_machinery 1.00 3) (object_create keyes_flood))) (script static void cinematic_intro (begin cinematic_intro)) (script static void d20_10_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: i can read the captain's cni transponder. he's in the control room….but i'm not detecting any human life signs.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_010_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_010_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_20_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: the damage caused by the crash and the flood have sealed off all nearby accessways to the control room. we should find another way in.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_020_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_020_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_30_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: analyzing damage. [pause] this hole was caused by some kind of explosive…very powerful, if it tore through the ship's hull. all i detect down there are pools of coolant. we should continue our search somewhere else.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_030_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_030_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_50_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: there's so many i can't track them all!)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_050_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_050_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_60_chief (begin (sleep 1))) (script static void d20_70_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: warning! threat level increasing. [pause] that jump into the coolant is looking better all the time, chief. trust me…its deep enough to cushion our fall.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_070_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_070_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_71_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: warning! threat level increasing.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_071_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_071_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_72_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: that jump into the coolant is looking better all the time, chief.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_072_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_072_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_73_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: trust me…its deep enough to cushion our fall.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_073_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_073_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_80_chief (begin (sleep 1))) (script static void d20_90_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: [very urgent] chief, we need to jump. now! )) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_090_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_090_cortana) 30.00))) (activate_team_nav_point_flag default_red player waypoint1 0.00))) (script static void d20_120_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: let's get out of here and find another back aboard the ship.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_120_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_120_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_130_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: the crash did more damage than i suspected. analyzing: [pause] coolant leakage rate is significant. the ship's reactors should already have gone critical.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_130_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_130_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_140_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: we should head this way, towards the ship's gravity lift.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_140_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_140_cortana) 30.00))) (activate_team_nav_point_flag default_red player waypoint2 0.00))) (script static void d20_150_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: wait. the covenant and flood are attacking each other. i recommend we wait until they've worm each other down. then we'll only have to deal with the stragglers. )) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_150_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_150_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_160_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: power source detected…there's the gravity lift. [pause] it's still operational…that's our way back in.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_160_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_160_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_180_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: we should be able to get into the ship's control room from here. )) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_180_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_180_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_190_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: wait a moment. we went through the doors on the right the last time we were here. this is a different route. [pause] the covenant battle net is a mess…i can't access the ship's schematics. my records indicate that a shuttle bay should be here. )) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_190_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_190_cortana) 30.00))) (activate_team_nav_point_flag default_red player waypoint3 0.00))) (script static void d20_200_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: look, in the corners… the flood are gathering bodies here.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_200_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_200_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_210_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: looks like another shuttle bay, we should be able to reach the control room from the third level.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_210_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (deactivate_team_nav_point_flag player waypoint3) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_210_cortana) 30.00))) (activate_team_nav_point_flag default_red player waypoint4 0.00))) (script static void d20_220_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: the control room should be this way.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_220_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (deactivate_team_nav_point_flag player waypoint4) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_220_cortana) 30.00))) (activate_team_nav_point_flag default_red player waypoint5 0.00))) (script static void d20_240_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: we need to get back to the pillar of autumn. let's go back to the shuttle bay and find a ride.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_240_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_240_cortana) 30.00))))) (script static void d20_250_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print cortana: perfect. grab one of the escort banshees and we'll use it to return to the pillar of autumn.)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_250_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_250_cortana) 30.00))) (activate_team_nav_point_object default_red player ending_banshee1 0.00))) (script static void d20_flavor_010_captkeyes (begin (if cinematics_debug (print d20_flavor_010_captkeyes)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_010_captkeyes none keyes_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_010_captkeyes) 15.00))))) (script static void d20_flavor_020_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print d20_flavor_020_cortana)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_020_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_020_cortana) 15.00))))) (script static void d20_flavor_030_captkeyes (begin (if cinematics_debug (print d20_flavor_030_captkeyes)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_030_captkeyes none keyes_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_030_captkeyes) 15.00))))) (script static void d20_flavor_040_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print d20_flavor_040_cortana)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_040_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_040_cortana) 15.00))))) (script static void d20_flavor_050_captkeyes (begin (if cinematics_debug (print d20_flavor_050_captkeyes)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_050_captkeyes none keyes_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_050_captkeyes) 15.00))))) (script static void d20_flavor_060_cortana (begin (if cinematics_debug (print d20_flavor_060_cortana)) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_060_cortana none cortana_dialogue_scale) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_flavor_060_cortana) 15.00))))) (script static void music_01 (begin (sleep_until music_01_base) (if cinematics_debug (print start music_01)) (sound_looping_start levels\d40\music\d40_01 none music_01_scale) (sleep_until (not music_01_base)) (if cinematics_debug (print end music_01)) (sound_looping_stop levels\d40\music\d40_01))) (script static void music_02 (begin (sleep_until music_02_base) (if cinematics_debug (print start music_02)) (sound_looping_start levels\d40\music\d40_02 none music_02_scale) (sleep_until (not music_02_base)) (if cinematics_debug (print end music_02)) (sound_looping_stop levels\d40\music\d40_02))) (script static void music_03 (begin (sleep_until music_03_base) (if cinematics_debug (print start music_03)) (sound_looping_start levels\d40\music\d40_03 none music_03_scale) (sleep_until music_03_alt) (if cinematics_debug (print alt music_03)) (sound_looping_set_alternate levels\d40\music\d40_03 true) (sleep_until (not music_03_base)) (set music_03_alt false) (if cinematics_debug (print end music_03)) (sound_looping_stop levels\d40\music\d40_03))) (script static void music_04_start (begin (set music_04_base true) (if cinematics_debug (print start music_04)) (sound_looping_start levels\d40\music\d40_02 none music_02_scale))) (script static void music_04_end (begin (set music_04_base false) (if cinematics_debug (print end music_04)) (sound_looping_stop levels\d40\music\d40_02))) (script static void music_05 (begin (sleep_until music_05_base) (if cinematics_debug (print start music_05)) (sound_looping_start levels\d40\music\d40_02 none music_02_scale) (sleep_until (not music_05_base)) (if cinematics_debug (print end music_05)) (sound_looping_stop levels\d40\music\d40_02))) (script static void music_06 (begin (sleep_until music_06_base) (if cinematics_debug (print start music_06)) (sound_looping_start levels\d40\music\d40_02 none music_02_scale) (sleep_until (not music_06_base)) (if cinematics_debug (print end music_06)) (sound_looping_stop levels\d40\music\d40_02))) (script dormant void music_control (begin music_control music_control music_control music_control music_control)) (script static void create_flood_captain (begin (object_create_anew keyes_flood))) (script dormant void i_am_skin_diver (begin (ai_place med1_flood) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors med1_flood) 0) head ~damaged) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors med1_flood) 0) left arm ~damaged) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors med1_flood) 1) ~damaged) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors med1_flood) 2) ~damaged) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors med1_flood) 2) left arm ~damaged) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors med1_flood) 3) ~damaged) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors med1_flood) 4) right arm ~damaged) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors med1_flood) 4) left arm ~damaged) (sleep_until (= 0 (ai_living_count med1_flood))) (set skin_diver true))) (script dormant void more_blood_for_me (begin (sleep_until (> (ai_living_count enc5_7_cov/specops) 0)) (sleep_until (= 0 (ai_living_count enc5_7_cov/specops))) (sleep_until (> (ai_living_count enc7_1_cov) 0)) (sleep_until (= 0 (ai_living_count enc7_1_cov))) (sleep_until (> (ai_living_count enc7_3) 0)) (sleep_until (= 0 (ai_living_count enc7_3))) (set bloodthirsty true))) (script dormant void award_ceremony (begin (if skin_diver (print skin diver medal awarded!)) (if bloodthirsty (print bloodthirsty medal awarded!)))) (script static void chapter_d20_1 (begin (sleep 30) (cinematic_set_title chapter_d20_1) (sleep 150))) (script static void chapter_d20_2 (begin (show_hud false) (cinematic_show_letterbox true) (sleep 30) (cinematic_set_title chapter_d20_2) (sleep 150) (cinematic_show_letterbox false) (show_hud true))) (script static void chapter_d20_3 (begin (show_hud false) (cinematic_show_letterbox true) (sleep 30) (cinematic_set_title chapter_d20_3) (sleep 150) (cinematic_show_letterbox false) (show_hud true))) (script static void objective_start (begin (show_hud_help_text true) (hud_set_help_text obj_start) (hud_set_objective_text obj_start) (sleep hud_objectives_display_time) (show_hud_help_text false))) (script static void objective_jump (begin (show_hud_help_text true) (hud_set_help_text obj_jump) (hud_set_objective_text obj_jump) (sleep hud_objectives_display_time) (show_hud_help_text false))) (script static void objective_exterior (begin (show_hud_help_text true) (hud_set_help_text obj_exterior) (hud_set_objective_text obj_exterior) (sleep hud_objectives_display_time) (show_hud_help_text false))) (script static void objective_lift (begin (show_hud_help_text true) (hud_set_help_text obj_lift) (hud_set_objective_text obj_lift) (sleep hud_objectives_display_time) (show_hud_help_text false))) (script static void objective_muster (begin (show_hud_help_text true) (hud_set_help_text obj_muster) (hud_set_objective_text obj_muster) (sleep hud_objectives_display_time) (show_hud_help_text false))) (script static void objective_recover (begin (show_hud_help_text true) (hud_set_help_text obj_recover) (hud_set_objective_text obj_recover) (sleep hud_objectives_display_time) (show_hud_help_text false))) (script static void objective_escape (begin (show_hud_help_text true) (hud_set_help_text obj_escape) (hud_set_objective_text obj_escape) (sleep hud_objectives_display_time) (show_hud_help_text false))) (script continuous void save_loop (begin (sleep_until save_now testing_save) (game_save_no_timeout) (set save_now false))) (script static void certain_save (begin (set save_now true))) (script static void save_checkpoint7_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section7 (players)) testing_save) (if debug (print saved at checkpoint 7.1)) (sleep_until (game_safe_to_save)) save_checkpoint7_1)) (script static void save_checkpoint6_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section7 (players)) testing_save) (if debug (print saved at checkpoint 6.1)) (sleep_until (game_safe_to_save)) save_checkpoint6_1)) (script static void save_checkpoint5_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects save_point5_1 (players)) testing_save) (if debug (print saved at checkpoint 5.1)) (sleep_until (game_safe_to_save)) save_checkpoint5_1)) (script static void save_checkpoint4_2 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects save_point4_2 (players)) testing_save) (if debug (print saved at checkpoint 4.2)) (sleep_until (game_safe_to_save)) save_checkpoint4_2)) (script static void save_checkpoint4_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects save_point4_1 (players)) testing_save) (if debug (print saved at checkpoint 4.1)) (sleep_until (game_safe_to_save)) save_checkpoint4_1)) (script static void save_checkpoint3_2 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects save_point3_2 (players)) testing_save) (if debug (print saved at checkpoint 3.2)) (sleep_until (game_safe_to_save)) save_checkpoint3_2)) (script static void save_checkpoint3_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects save_point3_1 (players)) testing_save) (if debug (print saved at checkpoint 3.1)) (sleep_until (game_safe_to_save)) save_checkpoint3_1)) (script static void save_checkpoint1_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects save_point3_1 (players)) testing_save) (if debug (print saved at checkpoint 1.1)) (sleep_until (game_safe_to_save)) save_checkpoint1_1)) (script dormant void save_checkpoints (begin (if debug (print save checkpoints running...)) save_checkpoints save_checkpoints save_checkpoints save_checkpoints save_checkpoints save_checkpoints)) (script continuous void enc7_5_spawner (begin (if (and (volume_test_objects_all enc7_5 (players)) (< (ai_living_count enc7_5) 24) (< enc7_5_limiter 5)) (begin_random (begin (ai_place enc7_5/infs1) (set enc7_5_limiter (+ enc7_5_limiter 1.00))) (begin (ai_place enc7_5/infs2) (set enc7_5_limiter (+ enc7_5_limiter 1.00))) (begin (ai_place enc7_5/infs3) (set enc7_5_limiter (+ enc7_5_limiter 1.00))))) (sleep 150))) (script continuous void enc4_4_spawner (begin (if (and (volume_test_objects enc4_4 (players)) (< enc4_4_limiter (* 25.00 spawn_scale))) (begin (if (< (ai_living_count enc4_4/combats) min_combat_spawn) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc4_4/combats) (set enc4_4_limiter (+ enc4_4_limiter 1.00)))) (if (< (ai_living_count enc4_4/carriers) min_carrier_spawn) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc4_4/carriers) (set enc4_4_limiter (+ enc4_4_limiter 1.00)))) (if (< (ai_living_count enc4_4/infs) min_infection_spawn) (begin (ai_place enc4_4/infs))))) (sleep 30))) (script continuous void enc4_2_spawner (begin (if (and (< enc4_2_limiter (* 40.00 spawn_scale)) (volume_test_objects enc4_2b (players))) (begin (if (< (ai_living_count enc4_2) (+ (ai_living_count enc4_2/carriers1) min_carrier_spawn)) (begin (if (objects_can_see_flag (players) enc4_2_forward 30.00) (ai_spawn_actor enc4_2/carriers_rear) (ai_spawn_actor enc4_2/carriers_front)) (set enc4_2_limiter (+ enc4_2_limiter 1.00)))) (if (< (ai_living_count enc4_2/infs) min_infection_spawn) (ai_place enc4_2/infs) (print foo)))) (sleep 200))) (script continuous void enc3_8_spawner (begin (if (and (> (ai_living_count enc3_8_cov) 0) (< enc3_8_limiter (* 40.00 spawn_scale))) (begin (if (< (ai_living_count enc3_8_flood/combats) (* 1.50 min_combat_spawn)) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc3_8_flood/combats) (set enc3_8_limiter (+ enc3_8_limiter 1.00)))) (if (< (ai_living_count enc3_8_flood/carriers) (* 1.50 min_carrier_spawn)) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc3_8_flood/carriers) (set enc3_8_limiter (+ enc3_8_limiter 1.00)))))) (sleep 15))) (script continuous void enc3_5_spawner (begin (if (< enc3_5_limiter (* 30.00 spawn_scale)) (begin (if (< (ai_living_count enc3_5_flood/combats) (* 2.00 min_combat_spawn)) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc3_5_flood/combats) (set enc3_5_limiter (+ enc3_5_limiter 1.00)))) (if (< (ai_living_count enc3_5_flood/carriers) min_carrier_spawn) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc3_5_flood/carriers) (set enc3_5_limiter (+ enc3_5_limiter 1.00)))))) (sleep 30))) (script continuous void enc3_4_spawner (begin (if (< enc3_4_limiter (* 30.00 spawn_scale)) (begin (if (< (ai_living_count enc3_4_flood/combats) 1) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc3_4_flood/combats) (set enc3_4_limiter (+ enc3_4_limiter 1.00)))))) (if enc3_4_spawn_in_water (if (< (ai_nonswarm_count enc3_4_flood/water) min_carrier_spawn) (ai_place enc3_4_flood/water))) (sleep 30))) (script continuous void enc3_2_spawner (begin (if (< enc3_2_limiter (* 40.00 spawn_scale)) (begin (if (< (ai_living_count enc3_2_flood/combats) (* min_combat_spawn 2.00)) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc3_2_flood/combats) (set enc3_2_limiter (+ enc3_2_limiter 1.00)))) (if (< (ai_living_count enc3_2_flood/carriers) (* min_carrier_spawn 2.00)) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc3_2_flood/carriers) (set enc3_2_limiter (+ enc3_2_limiter 1.00)))) (if (< (ai_living_count enc3_2_flood/infs) min_infection_spawn) (ai_place enc3_2_flood/infs)))) (sleep 30))) (script continuous void enc1_5_spawner (begin (if (and (volume_test_objects_all enc1_5_spawner (players)) (< enc1_5_limiter (* 60.00 spawn_scale))) (begin (if (<= (ai_living_count enc1_5_flood/combats) (* (+ (/ enc1_5_limiter 20.00) 1.00) min_combat_spawn)) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc1_5_flood/combats) (set enc1_5_limiter (+ enc1_5_limiter 1.00)))) (if (< (ai_living_count enc1_5_flood/carriers) min_carrier_spawn) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc1_5_flood/carriers) (set enc1_5_limiter (+ enc1_5_limiter 1.00)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc1_5_flood/infections) (* 2.00 min_infection_spawn)) (ai_place enc1_5_flood/infections)))) (sleep 30))) (script static void stun_spawn_waves (begin (if debug (print stunning spawn waves...)) (sleep -1 enc1_5_spawner) (sleep -1 enc3_2_spawner) (sleep -1 enc3_4_spawner) (sleep -1 enc3_5_spawner) (sleep -1 enc3_8_spawner) (sleep -1 enc4_2_spawner) (sleep -1 enc4_4_spawner) (sleep -1 enc7_5_spawner))) (script static void ending_banshee1 (begin (object_create ending_banshee1) (object_cannot_take_damage ending_banshee1) (object_teleport ending_banshee1 ending_banshee1) (recording_play_and_hover ending_banshee1 ending_banshee1_v7))) (script static void ending_banshee2 (begin (object_create ending_banshee2) (object_cannot_take_damage ending_banshee2) (object_teleport ending_banshee2 ending_banshee2) (recording_play_and_hover ending_banshee2 ending_banshee2_v7))) (script static void outro_dropship (begin (object_create outro_dropship) (object_teleport outro_dropship outro_dropship) (recording_play_and_hover outro_dropship outro_dropship) (unit_close (unit outro_dropship)))) (script static void enc3_3_banshees (begin (object_create enc3_3_banshee1) (object_create enc3_3_banshee2) (object_teleport enc3_3_banshee2 enc3_3_banshee1) (object_teleport enc3_3_banshee1 enc3_3_banshee2) (recording_play (unit enc3_3_banshee1) enc3_3_banshee1) (recording_play (unit enc3_3_banshee2) enc3_3_banshee2) (sleep (max (recording_time enc3_3_banshee1) (recording_time enc3_3_banshee2))) (object_destroy enc3_3_banshee1) (object_destroy enc3_3_banshee2))) (script static void enc3_9_banshees (begin (object_create enc3_9_banshee1) (object_teleport enc3_9_banshee1 enc3_9_banshee1) (recording_play (unit enc3_9_banshee1) enc3_9_banshee1) (sleep 75) (object_create enc3_9_banshee2) (object_teleport enc3_9_banshee2 enc3_9_banshee1) (recording_play (unit enc3_9_banshee2) enc3_9_banshee2) (sleep (recording_time enc3_9_banshee1)) (object_destroy enc3_9_banshee1) (sleep (recording_time enc3_9_banshee2)) (object_destroy enc3_9_banshee2))) (script dormant void banshee_hook (begin (sleep 450) (sleep_until (or (objects_can_see_object (players) ending_banshee1 10.00) (objects_can_see_object (players) ending_banshee2 10.00))))) (script continuous void banshee_safety_net (begin (sleep_until (and (not (volume_test_objects enc7_6c ending_banshee1)) (not (volume_test_objects enc7_6c ending_banshee2)))) (object_teleport ending_banshee1 safety_banshee1) (object_teleport ending_banshee2 safety_banshee2))) (script static void ending_banshees (begin ending_banshees ending_banshees (sleep 90) ending_banshees (ai_place enc7_4) (ai_force_active enc7_4 true) (vehicle_load_magic outro_dropship passenger (ai_actors enc7_4/grunts)) (vehicle_load_magic ending_banshee1 b-driver (list_get (ai_actors enc7_4/elites1) 0)) (vehicle_load_magic ending_banshee2 b-driver (list_get (ai_actors enc7_4/elites2) 0)) (ai_braindead enc7_4 true) (wake banshee_hook) (if (< (recording_time ending_banshee1) (recording_time ending_banshee2)) (begin (sleep (recording_time ending_banshee1)) (vehicle_unload ending_banshee1 b-driver) (ai_braindead enc7_4/elites1 false) (sleep (recording_time ending_banshee2)) (vehicle_unload ending_banshee2 b-driver) (ai_braindead enc7_4/elites2 false)) (begin (sleep (recording_time ending_banshee2)) (vehicle_unload ending_banshee2 b-driver) (ai_braindead enc7_4/elites2 false) (sleep (recording_time ending_banshee1)) (vehicle_unload ending_banshee1 b-driver) (ai_braindead enc7_4/elites1 false))) (sleep (max 0.00 (- (recording_time outro_dropship) 90.00))) (unit_open (unit outro_dropship)) (sleep (recording_time outro_dropship)) (vehicle_unload outro_dropship passenger) (ai_braindead enc7_4/grunts false) (ai_migrate enc7_4/grunts enc7_6_cov/exit_grunts) (ai_migrate enc7_4/elites1 enc7_6_cov/lower_elites) (ai_migrate enc7_4/elites2 enc7_6_cov/lower_elites) (wake banshee_safety_net))) (script continuous void enc7_6_manager (begin (sleep_until (and (volume_test_objects_all enc7_6 (players)) (<= enc7_6_limiter (* spawn_scale 8.00)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc7_6_cov/exit_grunts) 1) (begin (ai_place enc7_6_cov/exit_grunts) (set enc7_6_limiter (+ enc7_6_limiter 1.00)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc7_6_cov/lower_elites) 1) (begin (ai_place enc7_6_cov/lower_elites) (set enc7_6_limiter (+ enc7_6_limiter 1.00)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc7_6_cov/upper_elites) 1) (begin (ai_place enc7_6_cov/upper_elites) (set enc7_6_limiter (+ enc7_6_limiter 1.00)))))) (script dormant void enc7_6 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc7_6 (players))) enc7_6 (if debug (print encounter 7.6...)) (wake enc7_6_manager) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc7_6c (players))) enc7_6 (if (<= (ai_living_count enc7_6_cov) 2) (ai_place enc7_6_cov)))) (script dormant void enc7_5 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects_all enc7_5 (players)) testing_fast) (if debug (print encounter 7.5....)) enc7_5 (ai_erase enc7_1_cov) (ai_erase enc7_3))) (script dormant void enc7_3 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc7_3 (players)) testing_fast) (if debug (print encounter 7.3...)) enc7_3 (object_create enc7_3_barricade1) (object_create enc7_3_barricade2) (ai_place enc7_3) (ai_magically_see_players enc7_3))) (script dormant void enc7_2 (begin (sleep_until (or (volume_test_objects enc7_2 (players)) (volume_test_objects enc7_2b (players)) (volume_test_objects enc7_2c (players)))) (if debug (print encounter 7.2...)) enc7_2 (wake enc7_3) enc7_2 (sound_looping_start levels\d20\music\d20_06 none 1.00) enc7_2 (wake enc7_6) (sleep_until (or (vehicle_test_seat_list ending_banshee1 b-driver (players)) (vehicle_test_seat_list ending_banshee2 b-driver (players)))) (object_cannot_take_damage (players)) (sleep -1 banshee_safety_net) (sleep -1 more_blood_for_me) (sleep 15) enc7_2 (game_won))) (script dormant void enc7_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc7_1 (players)) testing_fast) (if debug (print encounter 7.1...)) enc7_1 (wake enc7_2) (wake enc7_5) (object_type_predict vehicles\banshee\banshee) (ai_place enc7_1_cov) (ai_place enc7_1_flood) (ai_try_to_fight enc7_1_cov enc7_1_flood) (ai_magically_see_encounter enc7_1_cov enc7_1_flood) (ai_magically_see_encounter enc7_1_flood enc7_1_cov) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc7_3 (players))) (ai_maneuver enc7_1_cov))) (script dormant void section7 (begin (sleep -1 enc7_6_manager) (object_create enc7_6_shield1) (object_create enc7_6_shield2) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section7 (players)) testing_fast) (if debug (print section 7...)) (ai_place enc7_0) (wake enc7_1) (ai_erase enc5_1_cov))) (script continuous void enc6_2_manager (begin (sleep_until (and (volume_test_objects enc6_2 (players)) (< enc6_2_limiter (* spawn_scale 20.00)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc6_1_flood/combats) (* 2.00 min_combat_spawn)) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc6_1_flood/combats) (set enc6_2_limiter (+ enc6_2_limiter 1.00)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc6_1_flood/carriers) 1) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc6_1_flood/carriers) (set enc6_2_limiter (+ enc6_2_limiter 1.00)))))) (script continuous void enc6_1_manager (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc6_1 (players))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc6_1_flood/combats) 1) (ai_spawn_actor enc6_1_flood/combats)) (if (and (<= (ai_living_count enc6_1_cov) 2) (<= enc6_1_limiter 3)) (if (not (volume_test_objects enc6_1b (players))) (ai_place enc6_1_cov/reins1) (if (not (volume_test_objects enc6_1c (players))) (ai_place enc6_1_cov/reins2))) (if (> (ai_living_count enc6_1_cov) 2) (set enc6_1_limiter (+ enc6_1_limiter 1.00)))) (if (>= (ai_living_count enc6_1_cov) 4) (sleep 150) (ai_attack enc6_1_cov/def)))) (script continuous void enc6_5_manager (begin (sleep_until (and (not (volume_test_objects enc6_4_stopper (players))) (<= enc6_5_limiter (* 6.00 spawn_scale)))) (if (and (<= (device_get_position enc6_5_door1) 0.05) (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc6_5_flood/left_door) (* 2.00 min_combat_spawn))) (begin (ai_place enc6_5_flood/left_door) (set enc6_5_limiter (+ enc6_5_limiter 1.00)))) (if (and (<= (device_get_position enc6_5_door2) 0.05) (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc6_5_flood/right_door) (* 2.00 min_combat_spawn))) (begin (ai_place enc6_5_flood/right_door) (set enc6_5_limiter (+ enc6_5_limiter 1.00)))))) (script dormant void enc6_5 (begin (if debug (print encounter 6.5...)) (device_set_power enc6_5_door1 1.00) (device_set_power enc6_5_door2 1.00) (device_operates_automatically_set enc6_5_door1 true) (device_operates_automatically_set enc6_5_door2 true) (device_set_position enc6_5_door3 0.00) (device_set_power enc6_5_door3 0.00) (ai_magically_see_players enc6_5_flood) (wake enc6_5_manager))) (script dormant void enc6_4 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc6_4 (players)) testing_fast) (if debug (print encounter 6.4...)) (sound_looping_set_alternate levels\d20\music\d20_051 true) (ai_place enc6_4_cov) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section6 (players))) (sleep -1 enc6_5_manager) (sound_looping_stop levels\d20\music\d20_051))) (script dormant void enc6_3 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc6_3 (players))) (ai_kill enc6_1_flood/carriers) (sleep_until (and (volume_test_objects enc6_3 (players)) (not (volume_test_objects enc6_3_safe (ai_actors enc6_1_flood))))) (sleep -1 enc6_2_manager) (if debug (print encounter 6.3...)) (sound_looping_stop levels\d20\music\d20_05) (sleep 30) enc6_3 enc6_3 (deactivate_team_nav_point_flag player waypoint5) (wake enc6_4) (sleep 60) enc6_3 enc6_3 (sound_looping_start levels\d20\music\d20_051 none 1.00) (wake enc6_5) (wake section7) enc6_3)) (script dormant void enc6_2 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc6_2 (players))) (sleep -1 enc6_1_manager) (wake enc6_2_manager) (if debug (print encounter 6.2...)) enc6_2 enc6_2 enc6_2 (wake enc6_3) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc6_4 (players))) (sound_looping_set_alternate levels\d20\music\d20_05 true))) (script dormant void enc6_1 (begin (if debug (print encounter 6.1...)) enc6_1 (ai_place enc6_1_cov/initial) (ai_place enc6_1_flood/initial) (ai_place enc6_1_flood/offensive_combats) (ai_try_to_fight enc6_1_cov enc6_1_flood) (wake enc6_1_manager) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc6_2 (players))) (ai_attack enc6_1_flood/def))) (script dormant void section6 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section6 (players))) (if debug (print section 6...)) (wake enc6_1) (wake enc6_2))) (script dormant void chapter_3_test (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc7_1 (players))) chapter_3_test (sleep 45) chapter_3_test chapter_3_test (sound_looping_start levels\d20\music\d20_05 none 1.00) (deactivate_team_nav_point_flag player waypoint5))) (script dormant void enc5_7_dropship_delivery (begin (object_create enc5_7_dropship) (object_teleport enc5_7_dropship enc5_7_dropship) (ai_place enc5_7_cov/specops) (ai_braindead enc5_7_cov/specops true) (vehicle_load_magic enc5_7_dropship passenger (ai_actors enc5_7_cov/specops)) (recording_play (unit enc5_7_dropship) enc5_7_dropship) (sleep 640) (vehicle_unload enc5_7_dropship passenger) (ai_braindead enc5_7_cov/specops false) (sleep (recording_time enc5_7_dropship)) (object_destroy enc5_7_dropship))) (script continuous void enc5_7_manager (begin (sleep_until (and (volume_test_objects_all enc7_6 (players)) (<= enc5_7_limiter (* 6.00 spawn_scale)))) (if (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc5_7_flood/reins) (* 2.00 min_combat_spawn)) (begin (ai_place enc5_7_flood/reins) (set enc5_7_limiter (+ enc5_7_limiter 1.00)))))) (script dormant void enc5_7 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc5_7 (players))) (if debug (print encounter 5.7...)) enc5_7 (wake enc5_7_dropship_delivery) (wake chapter_3_test) (sound_looping_stop levels\d20\music\d20_04) (ai_place enc5_7_flood) (if (objects_can_see_flag (players) enc5_7_elites 30.00) (ai_place enc5_7_cov/elites1) (ai_place enc5_7_cov/elites2)) (ai_magically_see_players enc5_7_cov) (ai_magically_see_players enc5_7_flood) (sleep_until (or (volume_test_objects enc7_2 (players)) (volume_test_objects enc7_2b (players)) (volume_test_objects enc7_2c (players)))) (ai_attack enc5_7_flood) (wake enc5_7_manager) (sleep_until (or (<= (ai_living_count enc5_7_flood) 0) (volume_test_objects enc7_6 (players)))) enc5_7 (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc7_6 (players))) (sleep -1 enc5_7_manager))) (script dormant void enc5_6 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc5_6 (players))) (if debug (print encounter 5.6...)) enc5_6 (ai_place enc5_6) (ai_magically_see_players enc5_6) (object_type_predict vehicles\c_dropship\c_dropship))) (script dormant void enc5_5 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc5_5 (players))) (if debug (print encounter 5.5...)) enc5_5 (ai_place enc5_5_cov) (ai_place enc5_5_flood) (ai_magically_see_encounter enc5_4_flood enc5_4_cov) (ai_try_to_fight enc5_4_flood enc5_4_cov) (ai_try_to_fight enc5_4_cov enc5_4_flood))) (script dormant void enc5_4 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc5_4 (players))) (wake enc5_5) (wake enc5_6) (wake enc5_7) (if debug (print encounter 5.4...)) enc5_4 (ai_place enc5_4_cov) (ai_place enc5_4_flood) (ai_magically_see_encounter enc5_4_flood enc5_4_cov) (ai_try_to_fight enc5_4_flood enc5_4_cov))) (script dormant void enc5_3 (begin (sleep_until (or (volume_test_objects enc5_3 (players)) (volume_test_objects enc5_3b (players)))) (if debug (print encounter 5.3...)) enc5_3 (ai_place enc5_3_cov) (ai_place enc5_3_flood) (ai_link_activation enc5_3_cov enc5_3_flood) (ai_link_activation enc5_3_flood enc5_3_cov) (ai_playfight enc5_3_flood true) (ai_try_to_fight enc5_3_cov enc5_3_flood))) (script continuous void enc5_1_manager (begin (sleep_until (and (<= enc5_1_limiter 30) (volume_test_objects_all enc7_6 (players)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc5_1_flood/upper_combats) min_combat_spawn) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc5_1_flood/upper_combats) (set enc5_1_limiter (+ enc5_1_limiter 1.00)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc5_1_cov/gunner_elites) 1) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc5_1_cov/gunner_elites) (set enc5_1_limiter (+ enc5_1_limiter 1.00)))) (if (<= (ai_living_count enc5_1_cov/gunner_grunts) 1) (begin (ai_spawn_actor enc5_1_cov/gunner_grunts) (set enc5_1_limiter (+ enc5_1_limiter 1.00)))) (sleep 30))) (script dormant void enc5_2 (begin (sleep_until (or (volume_test_objects enc5_2 (players)) (volume_test_objects enc5_2b (players)))) (if debug (print encounter 5.2...)) enc5_2 (sleep -1 enc5_1_manager) (ai_place enc5_2_cov) (ai_place enc5_2_flood) (ai_link_activation enc5_2_cov enc5_2_flood) (ai_link_activation enc5_2_flood enc5_2_cov) (ai_try_to_fight enc5_2_cov enc5_2_flood))) (script dormant void enc5_1 (begin (if debug (print encounter 5.1...)) enc5_1 (ai_place enc5_1_cov/inits) (ai_place enc5_1_cov/inits) (ai_place enc5_1_flood/infs) (if (not (= impossible (game_difficulty_get))) (ai_try_to_fight enc5_1_cov enc5_1_flood)) (wake enc5_1_manager) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc5_1 (players))) enc5_1 (sleep 150) enc5_1 enc5_1 (sound_looping_start levels\d20\music\d20_04 none 1.00) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc5_6 (players))) (sleep -1 enc5_1_manager) (if (not coop) (begin (ai_erase enc5_1_cov) (ai_erase enc5_1_flood))))) (script dormant void section5 (begin (sleep -1 enc5_7_manager) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section5 (players))) (if debug (print section 5...)) (object_create enc5_1_turret) (vehicle_hover enc5_1_turret true) (ai_vehicle_enterable_distance enc5_1_turret 10.00) (wake enc5_1) (wake enc5_2) (wake enc5_3) (wake enc5_4) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section6 (players)) 30 7200) (sound_looping_stop levels\d20\music\d20_04))) (script dormant void enc4_9 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_9 (players))) (if debug (print encounter 4.9...)) enc4_9 (ai_place enc4_9_cov) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_9b (players)) testing_fast) (ai_command_list enc4_9_cov/grunts enc4_9_grenade_toss))) (script continuous void enc4_8_manager (begin (sleep_until (and (volume_test_objects_all enc4_8_spawner (players)) (<= enc4_8_limiter (* 6.00 spawn_scale)))) (if (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc4_8/combats) min_combat_spawn) (begin (ai_place enc4_8/combats) (set enc4_8_limiter (+ enc4_8_limiter 1.00)))) (if (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc4_8/combats_upper) min_combat_spawn) (begin (ai_place enc4_8/combats_upper) (set enc4_8_limiter (+ enc4_8_limiter 1.00)))))) (script dormant void enc4_8 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_8 (players))) (if debug (print encounter 4.8...)) enc4_8 (object_destroy_containing 2_) (ai_place enc4_8) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects_all enc4_8_spawner (players))) (device_set_position_immediate enc4_8_door 1.00) (wake enc4_8_manager) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section5 (players))) (sleep -1 enc4_8_manager))) (script dormant void enc4_7 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_7 (players))) (wake enc4_9) (if debug (print encounter 4.7...)) enc4_7 (ai_place enc4_7_flood) (ai_place enc4_7_cov) (ai_link_activation enc4_7_cov enc4_7_flood) (ai_playfight enc4_7_flood true) (ai_try_to_fight enc4_7_flood enc4_7_cov) (sleep_until (<= (ai_living_count enc4_7_flood/combats) 0)) (ai_maneuver enc4_7_cov))) (script dormant void enc4_6 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_6 (players))) (sound_looping_stop levels\d20\music\d20_03) (if (not coop) (begin (ai_erase enc4_3) (ai_erase enc4_4))) (wake enc4_7) (wake enc4_8) (if debug (print encounter 4.6...)) enc4_6 (ai_place enc4_6))) (script dormant void enc4_5 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_5 (players))) (wake enc4_6) (if debug (print encounter 4.5...)) enc4_5 (ai_place enc4_5/infs) (ai_place enc4_5/init_combats) (sleep_until (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc4_5) 2)) (if (not (volume_test_objects enc4_5b (players))) (ai_place enc4_5/combats)))) (script dormant void enc4_4 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_4 (players))) (if debug (print encounter 4.4...)) enc4_4 (wake enc4_4_spawner))) (script dormant void enc4_3_dialogue (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_3b (players))) enc4_3_dialogue)) (script dormant void enc4_3 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_3 (players))) (wake enc4_4) (wake enc4_5) (if debug (print encounter 4.3...)) enc4_3 (ai_place enc4_3/combats) (ai_place enc4_3/carriers) (ai_place enc4_3/infs) (sleep -1 enc4_2_spawner) (sound_looping_start levels\d20\music\d20_03 none 1.00) (wake enc4_3_dialogue) (sleep_until (or (< (ai_strength enc4_3) 1.00) (volume_test_objects enc4_3c (players)))) (sleep_until (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc4_3) 2)) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_3c (players)) 30 900) (sound_looping_set_alternate levels\d20\music\d20_03 true) (sleep 60) (device_group_set_immediate enc4_3_door 1.00) (device_set_position enc4_3_door 1.00) (ai_place enc4_3/second_wave) (sleep -1 enc4_4_spawner))) (script dormant void enc4_2_dialogue (begin (sleep 45) enc4_2_dialogue)) (script dormant void enc4_2 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_2 (players))) (wake enc4_3) (wake enc4_2_dialogue) (if debug (print encounter 4.2...)) enc4_2 (ai_place enc4_2/carriers1) (ai_magically_see_players enc4_2) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc4_2b (players))) (wake enc4_2_spawner))) (script dormant void enc4_1_dialogue (begin (sleep 45) enc4_1_dialogue)) (script dormant void enc4_1 (begin (wake enc4_2) (if debug (print encounter 4.1...)) enc4_1 (wake enc4_1_dialogue) enc4_1 enc4_1)) (script dormant void section4 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section4 (players))) (deactivate_team_nav_point_flag player waypoint2) (if debug (print section 4...)) section4 (sleep -1 enc4_8_manager) (sleep -1 i_am_skin_diver) (ai_erase med1_flood) (ai_erase enc3_8_cov) (ai_erase enc3_8_flood) (ai_erase enc3_7_cov) (ai_erase enc3_7_flood) (ai_erase enc3_7b) (ai_erase enc3_5_cov) (ai_erase enc3_5_flood) (ai_erase enc3_4_cov) (ai_erase enc3_4_flood) (ai_erase enc3_3) (ai_erase enc3_2_cov) (ai_erase enc3_2_flood) (ai_erase enc3_1_cov) (ai_erase enc3_1_flood) (garbage_collect_now) (object_create_containing 2_) (object_can_take_damage (players)) (ai_place enc4_0) (wake enc4_1))) (script dormant void enc3_9 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects_all grav_lift (players))) (ai_erase enc3_7_flood) (ai_erase enc3_7_cov) (if debug (print encounter 3.9...)))) (script dormant void enc3_8_dialogue (begin (sleep_until (objects_can_see_flag (players) waypoint2 45.00)) enc3_8_dialogue enc3_8_dialogue)) (script dormant void enc3_9_banshee_hook (begin enc3_9_banshee_hook)) (script continuous void enc3_8_lift_manager (begin (sleep 30) (if (volume_test_objects 1_to_2_transition_trigger (players)) (set lift_counter (+ 1.00 lift_counter)) (set lift_counter 0)))) (script dormant void enc3_8 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_8 (players))) enc3_8 (if debug (print encounter 3.8...)) (wake enc3_8_dialogue) (wake enc3_9) (sound_looping_set_alternate levels\d20\music\d20_02 true) (ai_place enc3_8_cov) (wake enc3_8_spawner) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_8b (players))) (sleep -1 enc3_8_spawner) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_8b (players))) (ai_place enc3_8_flood/wave_combats) (ai_place enc3_8_flood/wave_carriers) (ai_place enc3_8_flood/wave_infs) (ai_magically_see_players enc3_8_flood) (if (= impossible (game_difficulty_get)) (begin (ai_try_to_fight_player enc3_8_cov) (ai_try_to_fight_player enc3_8_flood))) (sleep_until (and (volume_test_objects 1_to_2_transition_trigger (players)) (not (volume_test_objects 1_to_2_transition_trigger (ai_actors enc3_8_cov))))) (wake enc3_8_lift_manager) (sleep_until (>= lift_counter 3)) (ai_playfight enc3_8_flood true) (object_cannot_take_damage (players)) (object_destroy_containing 1_) (sound_looping_stop levels\d20\music\d20_02) (sleep 30) (garbage_collect_now) (object_create_containing 2x_) enc3_8)) (script dormant void enc3_7 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_7 (players))) enc3_7 (if debug (print encounter 3.7...)) (sound_looping_start levels\d20\music\d20_02 none 1.00) (wake enc3_8) (if (not coop) (begin (ai_erase enc3_4_flood) (ai_erase enc3_4_cov) (ai_erase enc3_5_flood) (ai_erase enc3_5_cov))) (ai_place enc3_7_cov) (ai_place enc3_7_flood) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_7b (players))) (ai_place enc3_7b) (ai_magically_see_players enc3_7b))) (script dormant void enc3_6 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_6 (players))) enc3_6 (if debug (print encounter 3.6...)) (wake enc3_7) (sleep -1 enc3_5_spawner))) (script dormant void enc3_5_dialogue (begin (sleep_until (objects_can_see_flag (players) enc3_4_dialogue_trigger 20.00)) enc3_5_dialogue)) (script dormant void enc3_5 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_5 (players))) enc3_5 (if debug (print encounter 3.5...)) (wake enc3_6) (sleep -1 enc3_4_spawner) (ai_place enc3_5_cov) (ai_go_to_vehicle enc3_5_cov/gunner enc3_5_turret gunner) (ai_vehicle_enterable_distance enc3_5_turret 10.00) (ai_place enc3_5_flood/sacrifices) (wake enc3_5_spawner) (ai_magically_see_encounter enc3_5_cov enc3_5_flood) (ai_magically_see_encounter enc3_5_flood enc3_5_cov) (ai_try_to_fight enc3_5_cov enc3_5_flood) (ai_try_to_fight enc3_5_flood enc3_5_cov) (ai_link_activation enc3_5_cov enc3_5_flood) (ai_link_activation enc3_5_flood enc3_5_cov) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_5c (players))) (ai_place enc3_5_flood/ambush_combats) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_5b (players))) (ai_place enc3_5_flood/hole_infs))) (script dormant void enc3_4 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_4 (players))) enc3_4 (if debug (print encounter 3.4...)) (wake enc3_5) (wake enc3_5_dialogue) (if (not coop) (begin (ai_erase enc3_0_flood) (ai_erase enc3_0_cov) (ai_erase enc3_1_flood) (ai_erase enc3_1_cov) (ai_erase enc3_2_flood) (ai_erase enc3_2_cov) (ai_erase enc3_3) (garbage_collect_now))) (ai_place enc3_4_cov) (ai_magically_see_encounter enc3_4_flood enc3_4_cov) (wake enc3_4_spawner) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_4b (players)) testing_fast) (set enc3_4_spawn_in_water false) (sleep_until (<= (ai_living_count enc3_4_cov/elites) 1)) (sleep -1 enc3_4_spawner))) (script dormant void enc3_3 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_3 (players))) enc3_3 (sleep -1 enc3_2_spawner) (wake enc3_4) (if debug (print encounter 3.3...)) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_3b (players)) testing_fast) (ai_place enc3_3/carriersb) (ai_place enc3_3/infsb) (object_create enc3_3_rifle) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_3c (players)) testing_fast) (ai_place enc3_3/carriersc) (ai_place enc3_3/infsc) enc3_3)) (script dormant void enc3_2_dialogue (begin (sleep_until (objects_can_see_flag (players) enc3_2_dialogue_trigger 30.00)) (sleep 60) enc3_2_dialogue)) (script dormant void enc3_2 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_2 (players))) enc3_2 (wake enc3_3) (if debug (print encounter 3.2...)) (if (not coop) (ai_erase enc3_0_flood)) (ai_migrate enc3_0_cov enc3_2_cov/elites) (ai_place enc3_2_cov/grunts) (ai_place enc3_2_cov/elites) (ai_place enc3_2_flood/snipers) (wake enc3_2_spawner) (if (= impossible (game_difficulty_get)) (begin (ai_try_to_fight_player enc3_2_cov) (ai_try_to_fight_player enc3_2_flood))) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_2b (players))) (ai_place enc3_2_flood/f_the_player) (sleep_until (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc3_1_flood) 0)) (sleep -1 enc3_2_spawner))) (script static void enc3_2_intro (begin (ai_place enc3_2_cov/intro) (ai_place enc3_2_flood) (ai_playfight enc3_2_cov true) (ai_playfight enc3_2_flood true))) (script static void enc3_2_intro_cleanup (begin (sleep -1 enc3_2_spawner) (ai_playfight enc3_2_cov false) (ai_playfight enc3_2_flood false) (ai_erase enc3_2_cov/intro) (ai_erase enc3_2_flood))) (script dormant void enc3_1_dialogue (begin (sleep 300) enc3_1_dialogue enc3_1_dialogue)) (script dormant void enc3_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc3_1 (players))) enc3_1 (deactivate_team_nav_point_flag player waypoint1) (wake enc3_1_dialogue) (wake enc3_2) (if debug (print encounter 3.1...)))) (script static void enc3_1_intro (begin (ai_place enc3_1_cov/elites1) (ai_place enc3_1_flood/intro) (ai_playfight enc3_1_cov true) (ai_playfight enc3_1_flood true))) (script static void enc3_1_intro_cleanup (begin (ai_playfight enc3_1_cov false) (ai_playfight enc3_1_flood false) (ai_erase enc3_1_cov) (ai_erase enc3_1_flood))) (script dormant void enc3_0 (begin (if debug (print encounter 3.0...)) (ai_erase enc3_1_cov) (ai_erase enc3_1_flood) (ai_place enc3_0_cov) (ai_place enc3_0_flood) (sleep_until (<= (ai_nonswarm_count enc3_0_flood) 1)) (ai_place enc3_0_flood/combats) (if (or (= hard (game_difficulty_get)) (= impossible (game_difficulty_get))) (begin (sleep_until (<= (ai_living_count enc3_0_flood/combats) 1)) (ai_place enc3_0_flood/combats))))) (script dormant void section3 (begin (if debug (print section 3...)) (sound_looping_stop levels\d20\music\d20_01) (wake enc3_0) (wake i_am_skin_diver) (wake enc3_1) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects section4 (players))) (sleep -1 enc3_0))) (script continuous void enc1_1_exploration (begin (if (and (not enc1_1_door1) (volume_test_objects enc1_1_door1_volume (players))) (set enc1_1_door1 true)) (if (and (not enc1_1_door2) (volume_test_objects enc1_1_door2_volume (players))) (set enc1_1_door2 true)) (if (and (not enc1_1_door3) (volume_test_objects enc1_1_door3_volume (players))) (set enc1_1_door3 true)) (if (and (not enc1_1_door4) (volume_test_objects enc1_1_door4_volume (players))) (set enc1_1_door4 true)) (if (and enc1_1_doors enc1_1_door1 enc1_1_door2 enc1_1_door3 enc1_1_door4) (begin (set enc1_1_doors false) enc1_1_exploration)) (if (not enc1_1_doors) (sleep -1)))) (script dormant void enc1_5 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc1_5 (players))) (set enc1_1_doors false) enc1_5 (if debug (print encounter 1.5...)) (sleep_until (> (device_get_position enc1_5_door) 0.80) testing_fast) enc1_5 (sound_looping_set_alternate levels\d20\music\d20_01 true) (wake enc1_5_spawner) (ai_magically_see_players enc1_5_flood) (sleep_until (> enc1_5_limiter 8) 30 600) enc1_5 (sleep_until (> enc1_5_limiter 15)) enc1_5 enc1_5 (set cortana_told_you_to_jump true) (sleep_until (> enc1_5_limiter 20)) enc1_5 (sleep_until (> enc1_5_limiter 26)) enc1_5)) (script dormant void enc1_4 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc1_4 (players))) (if debug (print encounter 1.4...)) (wake enc1_5) (ai_place enc1_4_cov) (ai_place enc1_4_flood) (ai_playfight enc1_4_cov true) (ai_playfight enc1_4_flood true) (ai_try_to_fight enc1_4_cov enc1_4_flood) (sleep_until (or (<= (ai_living_count enc1_4_cov) 0) (<= (ai_living_count enc1_4_flood) 0))) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc1_5 (players))) (ai_command_list enc1_4_flood enc1_4_leap) (ai_maneuver enc1_4_cov/migrate))) (script dormant void enc1_3 (begin (if debug (print encounter 1.3...)) enc1_3 (wake enc1_4) (ai_place enc1_3_cov) (ai_place enc1_3_flood) (ai_magically_see_players enc1_3_cov) (ai_magically_see_encounter enc1_3_flood enc1_3_cov) (ai_try_to_fight enc1_3_cov enc1_3_flood) (sleep_until (<= (ai_living_count enc1_3_cov) 0)) (ai_magically_see_players enc1_3_flood))) (script dormant void enc1_2 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc1_2 (players)) testing_fast) (if debug (print encounter 1.2...)) (wake enc1_3) (ai_erase enc1_1/control_room_infs) (ai_place enc1_2_cov) (ai_place enc1_2_flood) (object_set_permutation (list_get (ai_actors enc1_2_flood/chaser) 0) ~damaged) (object_set_melee_attack_inhibited (list_get (ai_actors enc1_2_flood/chaser) 0) true) (ai_migrate enc1_2_cov/grunt enc1_3_cov/grunts) (ai_migrate enc1_2_flood/chaser enc1_3_flood/combats) (sleep_until (<= 0 (ai_living_count enc1_2_cov/grunt))) (ai_command_list enc1_2_flood/chaser general_null) (ai_magically_see_players enc1_2_flood/chaser))) (script dormant void enc1_1 (begin (sleep_until (volume_test_objects enc1_1 (players))) (if debug (print encounter 1.1...)) (ai_place enc1_1) enc1_1 (wake enc1_2) enc1_1 enc1_1 (sound_looping_start levels\d20\music\d20_01 none 1.00))) (script dormant void section1 (begin (if debug (print section 1...)) (wake enc1_1) (wake enc1_1_exploration) (sleep_until (volume_test_objects 0_to_1_transition_trigger (players)) testing_fast) (sleep -1 enc1_5) (sleep -1 enc1_1_exploration) (sound_impulse_stop sound\dialog\d20\d20_030_cortana) (sound_impulse_stop sound\dialog\d20\d20_050_cortana) (sound_impulse_stop sound\dialog\d20\d20_070_cortana) (sound_impulse_stop sound\dialog\d20\d20_090_cortana) (ai_erase enc1_5_cov) (ai_erase enc1_5_flood) (ai_erase enc1_4_flood) (ai_erase enc1_4_cov) (ai_erase enc1_3_flood) (ai_erase enc1_3_cov) (ai_erase enc1_2_flood) (ai_erase enc1_2_cov) (ai_erase enc1_1) (object_destroy_containing 0_) (garbage_collect_now) (wake section3) (sleep 30) section1 (game_save_totally_unsafe))) (script static void s3 (begin (switch_bsp 1) (volume_teleport_players_not_inside null_volume tp_sec3))) (script static void s4 (begin (switch_bsp 2) (volume_teleport_players_not_inside null_volume tp_sec4))) (script static void s5 (begin (switch_bsp 3) (volume_teleport_players_not_inside null_volume tp_sec5))) (script static void s6 (begin (switch_bsp 4) (volume_teleport_players_not_inside null_volume tp_sec6))) (script static void s7 (begin (switch_bsp 4) (volume_teleport_players_not_inside null_volume tp_sec6) (wake section7))) (script static void record (begin (print recording) (recording_kill (unit ending_banshee1)) (object_create ending_banshee2) (object_destroy ending_banshee2) (object_create ending_banshee2) (object_teleport ending_banshee2 ending_banshee2))) (script static void coop_control (begin (if (< (list_count (players)) 1) (begin (if debug (print difficulty adjusted for coop)) (set coop true) (set spawn_scale (* spawn_scale 1.20)) (set min_combat_spawn (+ min_combat_spawn 1.00)))))) (script static void diff_control (begin (if (= hard (game_difficulty_get)) (begin (if debug (print difficulty adjusted for hard)) (set spawn_scale (* spawn_scale 1.10)) (set min_combat_spawn (+ min_combat_spawn 1.00)) (set min_carrier_spawn (+ min_carrier_spawn 1.00)) (set min_infection_spawn (+ min_infection_spawn 1.00)))) (if (= impossible (game_difficulty_get)) (begin (if debug (print difficulty adjusted for impossible)) (set spawn_scale (* spawn_scale 1.25)) (set min_combat_spawn (+ min_combat_spawn 1.00)) (set min_carrier_spawn (+ min_carrier_spawn 1.00)) (set min_infection_spawn (+ min_infection_spawn 2.00)))))) (script static void preload_textures (begin (object_type_predict weapons\needler\needler) (object_type_predict characters\elite\elite) (object_type_predict characters\grunt\grunt) (object_type_predict characters\floodcarrier\floodcarrier) (object_type_predict characters\floodcombat elite\floodcombat elite) (object_type_predict characters\floodcombat_human\floodcombat_human))) (script dormant void intro_cutscene_aux (begin (sleep 60) intro_cutscene_aux (sleep 30) intro_cutscene_aux (sleep 240) intro_cutscene_aux)) (script static void stun_managers (begin (sleep -1 enc5_1_manager) (sleep -1 enc1_1_exploration) (sleep -1 enc3_8_lift_manager) (sleep -1 enc6_1_manager) (sleep -1 enc6_2_manager) (sleep -1 enc6_5_manager) (sleep -1 enc7_6_manager) (sleep -1 banshee_safety_net))) (script startup void mission (begin (fade_out 0.00 0.00 0.00 0) (if debug (print initializing...)) mission mission mission mission mission (if mission (begin (set cinematic_ran true) (wake intro_cutscene_aux) mission)) mission (if (not cinematic_ran) (fade_in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0)) mission mission (garbage_collect_now) (wake save_checkpoints) (wake section1) (wake section4) (wake section5) (wake section6) mission)) (script dormant void oops (begin (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_insert_052_cortana none 1.00) (print cortana: oh, i see! the coordinate data needs to be--) (sleep (sound_impulse_time sound\dialog\d20\d20_insert_052_cortana)) (print cortana done) (sleep 30) (sound_impulse_start sound\dialog\d20\d20_insert_053_cortana none 1.00) (print cortana: right. sorry.))) (script static void teleport_test (begin (object_destroy chief) (object_create chief) (object_teleport chief chief_insert_base) (custom_animation chief cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\d20\d20 d20badteleport false) (sleep (- (unit_get_custom_animation_time chief) 15.00)))) (script dormant void captain_music (begin (sleep 18) (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_music\d20_captain_music none 1.00))) (script static void captain_test (begin (object_teleport chief_armed chief_capt_look_base) (custom_animation chief_armed cinematics\animations\chief\level_specific\d20\d20 d20punchface false))) (script dormant void fall_music (begin (sleep 30) (sound_looping_start sound\sinomatixx_music\d20_fall_music none 1.00)))